API Overview


plot_autocorrBar plot of the autocorrelation function for a sequence of data.
plot_compareSummary plot for model comparison.
plot_densityGenerate KDE plots for continuous variables and histograms for discrete ones.
plot_distPlot distribution as histogram or kernel density estimates.
plot_elpdPlot a scatter or hexbin matrix of the sampled parameters.
plot_energyPlot energy transition distribution and marginal energy distribution in HMC algorithms.
plot_essPlot quantile, local or evolution of effective sample sizes (ESS).
plot_forestForest plot to compare credible intervals from a number of distributions.
plot_hpdPlot hpd intervals for regression data.
plot_jointPlot a scatter or hexbin of two variables with their respective marginals distributions.
plot_kde1D or 2D KDE plot taking into account boundary conditions.
plot_khatPlot Pareto tail indices.
plot_loo_pitPlot Leave-One-Out (LOO) probability integral transformation (PIT) predictive checks.
plot_mcsePlot quantile, local or evolution of effective sample sizes (ESS).
plot_pairPlot a scatter or hexbin matrix of the sampled parameters.
plot_parallelPlot parallel coordinates plot showing posterior points with and without divergences.
plot_posteriorPlot Posterior densities in the style of John K.
plot_ppcPlot for posterior predictive checks.
plot_rankPlot rank order statistics of chains.
plot_tracePlot distribution (histogram or kernel density estimates) and sampled values.
plot_violinPlot posterior of traces as violin plot.


summarystatsCompute summary statistics on an InferenceData
hpdCalculate highest posterior density (HPD) of array for given credible_interval.
looPareto-smoothed importance sampling leave-one-out (LOO) cross-validation.
loo_pitCompute leave-one-out probability integral transform (PIT) values.
psislwPareto smoothed importance sampling (PSIS).
r2_score$R^2$ for Bayesian regression models.
waicCalculate the widely available information criterion (WAIC).
compareCompare models based on WAIC or LOO cross-validation.


bfmiCalculate the estimated Bayesian fraction of missing information (BFMI).
gewekeCompute $z$-scores for convergence diagnostics.
essCalculate estimate of the effective sample size (ESS).
rhatCompute estimate of rank normalized split-$\hat{R}$ for a set of traces.
mcseCalculate Markov Chain Standard Error statistic (MCSE).

Stats utils

autocovCompute autocovariance estimates for every lag for the input array.
autocorrCompute autocorrelation using FFT for every lag for the input array.
make_ufuncMake ufunc from a function taking 1D array input.
wrap_xarray_ufuncWrap make_ufunc with xarray.apply_ufunc.


InferenceDataContainer for inference data storage using xarray.
convert_to_inference_dataConvert a supported object to an InferenceData.
load_arviz_dataLoad a local or remote pre-made dataset.
to_netcdfSave dataset as a netcdf file.
from_netcdfLoad netcdf file back into an InferenceData.
from_namedtupleConvert NamedTuple data into an InferenceData.
from_dictConvert Dict data into an InferenceData.
from_cmdstanConvert CmdStan data into an InferenceData.
from_mcmcchainsConvert MCMCChains data into an InferenceData.
concatConcatenate InferenceData objects.
concat!Concatenate InferenceData objects in-place.


with_interactive_backendChange plotting backend temporarily.


with_rc_contextChange ArviZ's matplotlib-style rc settings temporarily.